Congratulations to these wonderful students for being recognized at the School Board meeting last night to honor their accomplishments!
Jordan Bicknell- Girls Wrestling State Qualifier
Isabelle Forrest & Adam Swartzendruber- State FFA Degree Recipients
Tarah Hilt, Trista Davis, & Kassidy Tackett- FFA State Champion Horse Judging Team Members
Michael Bagby, Katherine Helms, & Morgan Cisco- Speech State Qualifiers
The 6th grade celebrated National Pi Day which recognizes the mathematical constant π. This symbol, most commonly recognized as 3.14, is celebrated every year on March 14th. The team celebrated this day with various Pi-themed activities including measuring circles, an escape room, scavenger hunt, and writing activities. And of course you can't celebrate a day of Pi(e) without eating pie and pie-ing a couple beloved teachers in the face! Thanks for making learning interesting, 6th grade team!
Article: Why parents should care about kids and online privacy
If you don't want to have the bejesus scared out of you, don't talk to an expert on kids' online privacy. If you knew what was really out there -- online predators, identity thieves, data miners -- you'd lock up the internet and throw away the key. The truth is, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The internet is so woven into our lives, we need to be aware of the worst-case scenarios that can strike when we're unprepared. Read more using the link above!
Kindergarten 2022-2023 pre-registration round up Tuesday, April 12
OHS parents join us for a free dinner and trivia night!
The JV and Varsity Baseball games scheduled for today March 14th at Olympia vs. Brimfield have been cancelled due to field conditions.
The annual Mr. Spartan pageant is on as scheduled for tonight at 7:00pm in the high school auditorium. Come out and take part in this Olympia High School tradition.
Family Tip 2: Read the fine print.
Find the privacy policy of your kid's favorite app and read it together. Is it clear or complicated? Can you tell what information the company collects and what they do with it? Are they selling it? Storing it? Keeping it safe?
Due to road conditions, the Olympia School District will be utilizing a remote learning day for Friday March 11th. Elementary students should work on their packets that were sent home and Middle School and High School students will be expected to check Google Classroom for instructions from their teachers.
A decision regarding activities will be made this afternoon. Coaches will be in contact with students and families.
Thank you, and have a safe Friday!
Andy Walsh
Assistant Superintendent
Article Link:
If you're not ready to #deletefacebook, here are 13 simple things you and your kids can do on your social accounts, phones, and devices to keep data safe.
Family Tip 2: Use privacy settings.
Sit down with tweens and teens to show the privacy settings you use on your apps and devices. Talk about why you keep certain information private or limited to a small group. Ask them what information they feel comfortable sharing and why.
Check out how we work hard to protect your child's data privacy here at Olympia!
There are still openings for the free spring developmental screening in each of our elementary buildings. Call or text Michelle for reserve a spot. 708-689-3175 For children 6 weeks-34 months of age.
When kids start to go online, whether they're playing multiplayer games, using educational apps, or just following their curiosity on Google, it's important that they understand the basics of online privacy and safety. With some general guidelines around what information is and isn't OK to share, and some help from parents when they're unsure, kids can have fun and learn a lot in the digital world.
When kids go online, whether they're playing multiplayer games, using social media apps, or posting their latest creative expressions, it's important that they understand how to keep their private information safe. With tips on how to avoid scams and protect their personal data, tweens and teens can travel all over the digital world -- and still be in charge of their digital footprints.
We will expand on these tips throughout the month during our Family Tips series!
To help kids maximize the Internet's benefits -- while minimizing the risks -- we offer the latest research, tips, and tools on what really keeps kids safe. Which privacy settings should you use? What are the ins and outs of parental controls? Get tips on everything from the basics, such as smart usernames, to the big stuff, such as appropriate sharing. Plus, tell companies to stop profiting from kids' data and file a Do Not Sell request with the apps and websites your family uses.
Sharing photos, posting comments, playing video games are just a few of the ways that kids interact online. But when sharing goes beyond friends and family, it can be risky.
Chatting online can feel just like talking to someone in person, but it's actually quite different. It's all because of something called the "online disinhibition effect," which makes us more likely to share/communicate differently than if in person.
Fourth graders at West practiced some challenging skills today as they shared reasons, evidence, and proof to support their answers. Awesome work, Spartans!
Family Tip 6: Review worst-case steps.
Walk through what to do if your kid is being bullied online. First, step away. Ignoring a bully can be very effective. If the bullying continues, take screenshots or print out evidence. Then block the person. If it gets worse, report the behavior to a trusted adult. Talk about who those people are and make sure your kid has their contact information.
Mark your calendars for March 11!