Olympia High School wrestling improves to 5-0 tonight at Lincoln High School for the annual Manahan Duals honoring legendary coach Mike Manahan. We had 3 duals, first defeating Heyworth 72-12, then Lincoln 48-32, and finally U-High 58-20.
Tomorrow is the last day to register for the OHS Dance Mini Clinic. See the flyer for more information!
High School Wrestling had our first dual meet tonight at Illini Bluffs. Defeating East Peoria 51-39 and Illini Bluffs 45-33, starting the season with a team record of 2-0!
Social interaction is part of what makes online gaming so popular and engaging for kids. Of course, online communication can come with some risks. Show your kids how to keep their gaming experiences fun, healthy, and positive.
Video: bit.ly/olyRCv1
Video Discussion Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HQQ_lgKj5SVL5aGWYOrIfDfcwtxxjK9sI9-hJmSs3XY/edit
Soon after kids start reading and writing, they often begin interacting with others online. Whether they're chatting within games or texting family members, kids need the skills to interact respectfully. These skills will help kids -- and the people they're communicating with -- have positive experiences online. Throughout December, be on the lookout for these 4 Family Tips for elementary families who are looking to build a strong foundation for online relationships and communication!
1. Give them the right words.
2. Play a game of telephone.
3. Help kids navigate online friendships.
4. Develop their instincts.
So much of kids' social lives happens online. Whether they're texting with their study group, flirting on social media, or voice-chatting on game platforms, middle and high schoolers can learn to communicate in safe and healthy ways. These skills will help kids -- and the people they're communicating with -- have positive experiences online.
Give them the right words.
Learn about their worlds.
Empathize with the pressure to overshare.
Develop their instincts.
Olympia Wrestling had another great tournament this weekend in Bethalto at the Steve Bradley Invitational. We had 8 kids place in the top 8 and the team finished 4th out of 22 teams.
Send off for the 7th Grade OMS Basketball Team will be today at 12:15 from Olympia West through Hopedale and out to the interstate. They play at 2:30 vs Southwestern Piasa at Auburn High School.
Check out Coat Giveaway Details:
Caring for individuals with disabilities can be hard, do you know about respite care?
Did you miss last night's session on Emotional Regulation? Check out the replay to find out what e-motion is: https://cookcenter.info/Nov28OlympiaReplay
It's a good session worth your time.
As always, BACC did a fantastic job hosting us for their Preview Day! Our students were able to check out the facilities and meet the teachers before beginning their BACC experience next year.
Olympia OHMS Bands have their concert on Thursday, December 7th at 6pm in the OHS Auditorium. Hope to see you there!
My kid seems addicted to her phone. What do I do? It may seem like your kid is addicted (and may even "feel" addicted) to the phone, but it's more likely normal teen behavior. Read more: bit.ly/Oly_QA2
Please come out tonight, Tue. Nov. 28th to the High School Girls Basketball game and support our Toys for Tots campaign being put on by our National Honor Society. New toy or monetary donations will get you free admission into the game.
Can't make it tonight? Go ahead and register, that way the recorded session will show up in your inbox. Watch at your convenience!
Join the Olympia High School Dance Team for a Mini Dance Clinic and an opportunity to perform with the dance team at a basketball game! See the attached flyer for more details and email Coach Emily Weyl at emily.weyl@olympia.org with any questions. We hope to see you there!
The Olympia National Honor Society is sponsoring a Toys for Tots Drive at the girls home basketball games tonight and tomorrow, against Prairie Central, then Dee-Mack. New toys or cash donations are appreciated! Bring your family and friends to enjoy the games and help support your local Toys for Tots!
Family Tip 5: Help kids identify healthy behaviors
Join us Tuesday, November 28th at 6:00 PM. This month's hot topic: Emotional Regulation. It's not to late to register.