All IESA 7th Grade Regional Games and High School Girls Basketball games are still on for tonight.
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
All Olympia schools will start one hour later than normal today, Monday, November 26, 2018.
over 6 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
Spartans pick up their first win of the year at the El Paso Gridley Tourney. 52 to 47 over Hartsburg Emden.
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
7th Girls Basketball Regional Champions!
over 6 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
Regional Champions
Reminder that there is no student attendance for the remainder of the week. All Olympia schools will resume classes on Monday, November 26th. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
over 6 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
Lady Spartans win their home opener over El Paso Gridley. 49 to 43
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
Lady Spartans pick up another win in the Clinton Tourney. 42 - 26 over DeeMack.
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
The middle school boys basketball game scheduled for tonight at El Paso Gridley has been cancelled.
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
6th grades having a visit from Larry - Honor Flight. The students wrote letters to him while he attended an Honor Flight. Thank you for your service! #spartansthankingveterans
over 6 years ago, Jackie Litwiller
Honor Flight
Sub Teacher Sign Up Day Monday Dec 17th!
over 6 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
Dec 17
Lady Spartans start the season off with a 59 to 52 win over Tri Valley at the Clinton Tourney.
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
Congratulations to the Spartans! They were the winners of the 2018 OMS Dodgeball Tournament! All the teams were winners in their support of the Susan E. Schuber Scholarship. #olyspartanpride
over 6 years ago, Ms. Jennifer Love
Championship Match (Spartans vs Supreme D)
Championship Match (Spartans vs Supreme D)
OMS Dodgeball Champions - Spartans
8th grade social studies students played a game to learn about the powers of the governor and campaigned for their favorite IL governor candidate. A mock election will be held today! #olyspartanpride
over 6 years ago, Aly Corcoran
8th grade students playing Powers of the Governor.
Nicole V. campaigning for Bruce Rauner.
Congratulations to both XC teams for an outstanding year. The gals concluded their season today with an 11th place finish at the IHSA state meet while the guys ended their season with a 4th place finish at state. This was the best boys team placing in Olympia XC history!
over 6 years ago, David Stine
2018 boys XC 4th place at state
2018 girls XC 11th place at state meet
Encouraging students to take their fruits and vegetables can be a challenge on the elementary level. It is our goal in all the elementary cafeterias that the students will try new foods and learn to love them. Some fun in lunch can go a long way to help promote the fruits and vegetables we have available for the students to choose from. At North our Watermelon Man did just that.​
over 6 years ago, Donna Waters
Watermelon Man
OHMS Math Teachers presented on Skills Based Grading at #NCTMRegionals in KCMO. #olyspartanpride
over 6 years ago, Ms. Jennifer Love
Jennifer Love and Angie Davis at NCTM Regionals
Start of the boys cross country state championship
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
The start if the girls cross country championship.
over 6 years ago, MR. CASTLEMAN
Olympia teachers with Redbird roots! At a recent Teacher's Institute Day, elementary and OMS teachers were asked to wear their alumni apparel in support of College and Career Month. Back the Birds!!!
over 6 years ago, Olympia CUSD 16
ISU alumni
spellin ISU
Well done Mason, Maggie and Tarah on leading the tour during the Community Engagement session for the District Facility Study!
over 6 years ago, BEN LEE
Mason, Maggie and Tarah