Olympia CUSD 16 is requesting your help in receiving a $25,000 grant from Monsanto through their Grow Rural Education grant program. Farmers are eligible to vote through April 2nd. To vote for Olympia go to - https://www.americasfarmers.com/grow-rural-education/
The Next Generation Science Standards call for a huge paradigm shift in
the way that science is taught for ALL students with the biggest change
for Olympia being the inclusion of real-world engineering in all science
classrooms. Engineering Design in its truest sense is a new component
to the Olympia School District. Our students have conducted projects in
the past, but they didn’t always understand the real-world connections
and never really experienced the true engineering design process which
includes - Develop a Prototype – Test Solution – Re-design – Test Again –
Fabricate Final Product.
Our goal is for every student at Olympia to fully experience the engineering design cycle of learning in their science, math, and career and technical education classes as they develop skills through solving real-world problems. Funds will be used to purchase new work benches, tools, industrial band saw, and STEM supplies. Teachers will also participate in professional development opportunities and will present are professional conferences.