On April 1, 2025, voters in McLean County will vote on a 1% County Schools Facility Tax, also known as a one-cent tax. All school districts across McLean County have united to bring forward this request.
If approved, the one-cent tax will provide Olympia CUSD 16 with:
Safety, security, and support, providing revenue for things like school resource officers and mental health providers
Facility upgrades such as roof repairs, replacing doors, and completing the Ag/STEM classroom spaces, and adding a multipurpose space to the OHMS campus
Property tax stability for homeowners - Districts can use the one-cent tax revenue to offset eligible expenses, and as a result, reduce the reliance on property taxes to cover these costs.
Learn more about how this referendum can make a difference by visiting the county-wide webpage at www.april1cent.info, our specific website covering the topic (found under the Our District menu > County Sales Tax 2025), or contact us directly using the email/phone listed on our page!